Soulful Series Video Chat - Viddy Awards

Soulful Series Video Chat

Geneva, IL
Soulful Series Video Chats are interviews with award-winning authors who have written a memoir, anthology, or a non-fiction motivational book, and have an uplifting message to share. The mission of Soulful Series is to provide viewers with inspiration and introduce and connect authors' heartwarming life reflections to viewers. The series was inspired by a chat with Elizabeth Nyamayaro, award-winning humanitarian and best-selling author of I AM A GIRL FROM AFRICA. This conversation became the first interview in the series as it became clear viewers were overwhelmingly receptive and hungry for stories of resilience in this tumultuous time. Soulful Series Video Chats started in April 2021 and is a unique program that focuses solely on interviewing authors who have written works that are uplifting in nature and provide hope to others. Soulful Series is committed to supporting authors who have published profound works that will resonate with and provide inspiration to viewers. Topics have included: working through grief, loss of a partner, humanitarian endeavors, tips to reduce stress, making a difference, finding your purpose, empowerment, self-love and self-care, overcoming obstacles and self-doubt, living through the Coronavirus pandemic, unexpected life changes, and the power of love. The videos are posted on Instagram, YouTube,, and cross-promoted on Twitter and LinkedIn to reach a larger audience.

Soulful Series Video Chat

Category: Non-Broadcast | Video Podcasts | 718. Other -- Books | Books