PPG: The Power of a Partner - MarCom Awards

BLD Marketing

Bethel Park, PA, United States

PPG: The Power of a Partner

Client: PPG Industrial Coatings
Category: Web Based | Web Video | 493. Marketing
About Project

Description: As part of BLD’s “Power of a Partner” campaign for PPG, BLD wrote, filmed, and edited a video for use on the campaign’s landing page, at trade shows, and on social media. The video tells the story of a manufacturer whose paint line has been shut down for an unknown reason. The manufacturer’s PPG rep comes to the rescue troubleshooting the problem and getting the manufacturer back up and running. The video helps to illustrate a critical benefit of partnering with PPG as your coatings provider.
Result: The client has received rave reviews for the video on its social media channels from both internal and external audiences. The video’s emotional appeal perfectly complements the campaign’s other elements that offer a more rational appeal.


Garrett Andrae - Creative Director
Jeff St. Mars - Associate Creative Director
David Flynn - Senior Production Artist
Dejia Jordan - Assistant to Videographer