Green Fin Studio is a full-service, creative marketing and communication firm specializing in supporting environmentally-focused clients. We are scientists, writers, designers, communicators, videographers, strategic thinkers, and innovators, committed to environmental restoration, protection, and education.
Our team bridges the gaps between science and broader understanding – helping our clients connect with diverse audiences to achieve environmental, sustainability, and community engagement goals.
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act
Client: US Association of Clean Water Administrators
Category: Electronic Media / Social Media / Interactive Media | Web Element | 113. Microsite
About Project
As the national voice of State and Interstate water programs, the Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA) strives to protect and restore watersheds to achieve “clean water everywhere for everyone.”
Green Fin Studio partnered with ACWA to develop a StoryMap to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act (CWA).
The StoryMap details the history of the development of the CWA via a timeline, highlights clean water success stories across the nation, and provides a trajectory of where future progress can proceed to ensure safe water for all.
50 Years of the Clean Water Act
ACWA Website