Rebrand and Cinematic Website for Chicago’s First Virtual Production Studio - dotComm Awards

97 Switch

Chicago, IL
97 Switch is an award-winning Chicago and Portland digital marketing agency that specializes in marketing, web design and strategy. We take great pride in our relationships with people. We operate with the understanding that it’s all about being good to others in everything we do. We show this by delivering the best service possible to our partners. We hear what people say and take action based on what they need. Being good to people is a foundational part of our business and we will not compromise it for anything. Our team is made up of people who care. We care about one another, our partners, and the people who experience our work. This gives us the foundation to be infinitely curious and hard working. Because we care, we stay ahead of the curve and perform high quality services. 97 Switch has been recognized as a Top Digital Marketing Agency in Chicago and Portland by Clutch, UpCity and The Manifest.

Rebrand and Cinematic Website for Chicago’s First Virtual Production Studio

Client: Smash Virtual
Category: Website | 13. Business to Business
About Project

Smash Virtual is a production studio in Chicago that utilizes the power of virtual production to create highly imaginative films more effectively and efficiently. By using LED stage and screens, they specialize in making the impossible a reality. Producers and actors alike can realize new potentials with real-time 3D game-engine environments that allow complete creative freedom. In order to best showcase their innovative power, Smash Virtual reached out to 97 Switch to help captivate audiences with their virtual prowess.

After distilling Smash Virtual’s unique essence, our teams worked together to find new ways to emphasize their unprecedented services as the only virtual production studio in Chicago. Our goal was to take our discovery and make the concept of virtual production personable and human while staying bold and inspiring.

We put together a visual brand and website; launching this extraordinary studio with out-of-the-ordinary design. By complimenting the creative freedom and versatility of Smash Virtual’s space, the studio comes alive and ends up speaking for itself. Now audiences can find themselves enchanted by the magic of virtual production, imagining all the possibilities that the future of production has to offer.